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Lonestar Training Seminar Added to Joey D Foundation Training Line-Up
Like our original seminar, which will be held November 4-6, 2022, the newest training offering boasts three days of world class training. The Lonestar Training seminar, sponsored by Affordable Drill Towers, will take place deep in the heart of Texas on April 8-10, 2022. For those farther west who haven't made it out to Long Island yet, here's anoth
8th Annual Joey D Memorial Training Seminar Held
The Foundation held their 8th Annual Training Seminar this November 5-7. Over 300 students and instructors from all over the country and Canada were in attendance. Two days of hands-on training were conducted in the field and at different venues. Nineteen hands-on subjects were taught, including: live burns in residential and commercial dwellings,
Birds Eye View Project's Red Coat Challenge Benefits the Joey D Foundation
Foundation News
The Red Coat Challenge was a 5 mile, 20 station Special Forces experience including: hostage rescue, archery, hand-to-hand, and a whole lot of firearms! Each station honored a fallen hero and the event concluded with a Hero Walk to remind participants what they did this for. The Lt. Joseph P. DiBernardo Memorial Foundation received a generous donat
Watch Chief Joe DiBernardo on the Gettin Salty Experience Podcast
Foundation News
https://youtu.be/qnTTIlkXmPQSpecial guest will be retired 35 year FDNY veteran Deputy Chief Division 6 Commander Joe DiBernardo. After coming back from the Vietnam War in 1966 he was called and appointed to the FDNY in June 1966 and Assigned to Engine 39. In 1968 he worked in Engine 36 after a department-wide lift order. In 1973 he was assigned to
Chinese Auction Benefits the Joey D Foundation
Foundation News
Support the the Middle Island Volunteer Fire Department and the Joey D Foundation at 5:00 pm on Saturday, September 18, 2021 at the MIVFD Chinese Auction. Learn more at: www.middleislandfd.org
You’ve Watched The Bronx is Burning, Now Hear it From Captain Bob Farrell in The War Years
Foundation News
Your next great read about the job in the South Bronx during the late 1960s and 1970s can help Lt. Joseph P. DiBernardo Memorial Foundation. The newly released book by Captain Bob Farrell (Ladder 31), The War Years, recalls those years at La Casa Grande.  Ladder 31 and Engine Company 82 were among the busiest units in the City of New York. The War
Order Into the Smoke with New York's Bravest and Support the Lt. Joseph P. DiBernardo Memorial Foundation
Foundation News
Into the Smoke is a work of photojournalism and traces Tom Barry’s career as a firefighter—spanning parts of four decades in FDNY—along with the forty-year effort of noted freelance photographer Michael Dick. The era covered in this book is best known in the fire service on the east coast of the United States as the War Years, the urban decay and s
Jeffery “Moose” Cool, Jr. Takes the Goggins Challenge, Raising Nearly $18,000 for the Joey D Foundation
Foundation News
» View Jeffery's Instagram Story of His 4x4x48 JourneyEarlier this year, retired Navy SEAL and endurance athlete, David Goggins, put out his 4x4x48 challenge, which includes running 4 miles, every 4 hours, for 48 hours. When Jeffery Cool, Jr., a first responder in paramedic school, saw the call-to-action he knew that he “was hooked.” Not only
Pass It On 3: Chief Goldfeder and Friends
Foundation News
In celebration of World Book Day, join Chief Billy Goldfeder and guest authors for a lively discussion about the third volume of Chief Goldfeder's highly successful "Pass It On" book series. Guest authors will include: Paul Combs, Chieff Joe DiBernardo, Sara Jahnke, and Chief Frank Leeb.Watch Live on Facebook on April 23 @ Noon ET Save 30% off all
Laughter Saves Lives National Fundraiser Event in Conjunction with Helping Thru Humor
Foundation News
You can support the Lt. Joseph P. DiBernardo Memorial Foundation and have a good laugh by joining us for this virtual comedy fundraiser. Who couldn't use a laugh right now? It's easy to watch from your home, just go to helpingthruhumor.org and register for an account. Click on the link to "Get a Ticket" and choose "Lt. Joseph P. DiBernardo Memorial
Don't Call Me Hero: FDNY Firefighter Jeff Cool Interview
Foundation News
https://youtu.be/8FJ3uW7CTukThis very special edition of Birds Eye View Project's #FirefighterFridayfeatured veteran and Firefighter Jeff Cool, who served 14 Years with FDNY Rescue 3. On this episode, we discuss his early days as an Air Force Firefighter, joining the FDNY, September 11th, Black Sunday, and the crucial work being done by the Joey D
Wings Contest Helps Firefighters
Foundation News
This summer the Centereach Fire Department competed in a wing eating contest, hosted by Stop & Shop in Ronkonkoma. Centereach Fire Department members Matt Gehm and Ed Davidson ate their way to a victory and received a check for $1,000. This check was presented to the Lt. Joseph P. DiBernardo Memorial Foundation on September 21, 2020. On hand to pre